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7 Human Foods You Can Feed Your Dog

We all love to share our food with dogs, because we find it hard to resist puppy-dog eyes or when conveniently place themselves nearby at our mealtimes. Here are 10 foods that are approved and safe to feed your dog! But always remember extra foods shouldn’t comprise more than 25 percent of your dog’s diet. Enjoy sharing food with your dog.

1. Cheese

Your dog can eat cheese, which also is a favorite meal for many dogs and can be a great treat, cheese is an excellent source of calcium and protein but also has a high in fat & sodium, so too much cheese can be detrimental to a dog’s weight, who causing health problems like pancreatitis. So, watch that portion size and go for low-fat varieties like cottage cheese or mozzarella.



2. Apple

Apples are a great snack for dogs because are a source of vitamins A and C and fiber and also help freshen your pooch’s stinky breath, but don’t forget to take out the seeds and core they are poisonous

3. Rice

Rice is good for your dog, especially when your dog has stomach troubles. There are different kinds of rice like brown rice who have a little higher protein and a little lower in fat when compared to white rice. White rice is easily digestible if you have an older dog

4. peanut butter

Peanut butter is healthy food for dogs, along with vitamin B, niacin, and vitamin E. Try smearing some on dog’s toys, don’t forget to buy natural peanut butter, and also make sure to check how much sugar is added beforehand, especially this item called “Xylitol”, also has high in calories, so be careful if you watching dog-weight.



5. Pasta

Pasta cooked like tortellini or panne can be a great treat for your dog. If your dog doesn’t have gluten or wheat sensitivity, pasta is good food because it’s usually made with simple ingredients which are good for dogs like water, flour, and eggs. Also, pasta is high in carbohydrates, so you should be careful to keep your dog at a healthy weight and keep calories down

6. tuna

Tuna is not toxic to dogs, fish, in general, is low in fat and high in protein and beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Make sure it’s tuna in water, not oil, and preferably with no salt added, also remove all bones from the tuna, but there’s a risk of mercury levels to consider in tuna whether fresh tuna and canned tuna, so you should give tuna to your dog in very small amounts. And avoid sharing cat food with dogs because cat food often contains tuna and if you getting cat food made with other kinds of fish that can be better for both

7. Eggs

Eggs are very high in protein and calcium, and also easily digestible by dogs who have sensitive tummies. Avoid adding salt and pepper to eggs during feeding your dog

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